Right now I have 4 lady goats and a young buck. All of these goats have distinct personalities and are each really special in their own way.
Here is Lena nuzzling her three babies.
Yes, Lena Horne has two names. She came to us as "Ken" and we tried changing her name - but Ken just stuck. Ken lives up to the awesomeness and hilarity of being named Ken. Lena has become her nickname. She also has been known to go by 'Big Momma', 'Kennedy Kinghorn', and of course, "Goaty Gooooat".
Ken has a lot of personality and is reliably fertile, which makes up for the fact that her teats are not huge and her milk supply really dries up this time of year. I stopped milking her last week because I was getting less than a cup of milk. (In the summer she readily gives a litre every morning.)
This is Ken's daughter Nemo. Don't they look like twins? Except Nemo has two horns. Nemo was the smallest of the three, but the tamest and sweetest. She was bottle-fed a few times and I think that really earned me her trust. She doesn't shy away from me and is always curious about my clothing with her soft and goatylicious lips. She will hopefully have kids of her own next spring!
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