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Tuesday 18 March 2014

On The Mend At Last

Now for a different kind of "mending"!

I have begun mending myself after a visit to the doctor and a trip to the pharmacy. I had been loading up on garlic, hot lemon teas, strong ginger chai, goldenseal, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus steams, and my chest infection was only getting worse. Finally realized I had pneumonia. Thankfully I now have some serious meds and I can tell they are working.

I am even paler and thinner than before! Nemo is checking me out.
I am going to be fine, but very little has happened in the craft department. The most exciting development was this score yesterday at the thrift shop.

A long length of fabric with smiley, sleepy jungle critters. This would make up into a quick lap-sized quilt for David with some oranges and yellow, blue, and black. Or it could be another baby quilt, or maybe just some I-Spy squares.

The goat kids are now three weeks old. Everybody is doing well.

The babies like to huddle together.

And then there are the little billies.

Why does this little girl have her butt up in the air? Only a goat knows.

The chickens have been moved out to their coop, but they always run back into the greenhouse. It makes for some hilarity when night falls and they all have to be rounded up.

With great joy I can report that the hummingbirds are back. They usually return around this time of year and we put out some sugar water for them.

 Other wild birds live all around our house, in bushes and crawling vines, and in the eaves and under the roof tiles. Whenever I go out at night I usually surprise a sleeping bird. It is pretty neat to know that all those little creatures are finding a safe haven.

Though my ancestry is Scottish, and 'tis a crying shame there are no more merry pagans in Ireland, I still wish you a lucky St. Patty's week. May the wind be at your back and sun be overhead.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, oh my you've got a doozy one for sure, a friend of mine had to spend 16 days in hospital in PG with pneumonia this past month. Do take care and Happy Patty's week!



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