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Tuesday 14 January 2014

Photos: The Scent of Spring

It has been raining cats and dogs for about a week here on the coast. I have been busy knitting mittens and slippers and I made a little lavender sachet for a friend who just had surgery.

I harvested this lavender very late, which is why it looks a little scraggly. Still potent!

I knit a little rectangle in stocking stitch, folded it in half and sewed the sides together.

I stuffed it with lavender like a little pillow and sewed up the open edge.

A little decorative stitching and I couldn't keep this thing away from my nose.

Lavender is soothing, calming, heals burns, and smells heavenly. A little sachet like this can be stored with cotton, wool, or silk garments to repel fabric moths or just to make your clothes smell great. It is a hardy and fabulous herb that can thrive in almost any garden and will attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with those tiny purple flowers. Also it can be easily cloned, and animals like deer do not eat it because it is so strong. I just can't hail this plant enough! Bury me under a lavender plant!

After doing endless indoor crafts, finally, after all that rain, the sun shone today. I went for a walk with the goats and soaked up the sweet smell of Spring in the air.

David wasn't feeling the camera today.

But I finally got him to show his face with my motherly wiles.

Today is Caroline's birthday. I can't wait to feature some of her crafty goodness here on the blog. She is an amazing baker and painter and dabbles in other crafts, too, all while finishing up her degree in Earth Science. Caroline is my favorite little sister. She just sent me some photos of her baking and told me that she has been making lavender sachets, too! 

Her cookies were so creative and original that they inspired me to try a new cookie: 
Peanut Butter and Jelly!

Peanut butter cookies (with oats for extra chewiness) and a center full of homemade, hand-picked blackberry jam. YUMMY.

Thank you Caroline!
I hope your birthday is full of delights.

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