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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Some Bunny Loves Me

Stuffy Bunny came into creation today.

She has button eyes and pipe cleaners in her ears.

Bunny can move her limbs and can even raise her arms up to get a hug.

I sifted through my button stash for some eyes and buttons for the arms and legs. 

Doing this always reminds me of being a little girl at my grandmother's house and looking through her button jar. I would spend hours sorting them and wondering where they came from.

This was the first stuffed animal I have made by sewing, and it was a really calming project. A lot of it was hand sewn and I got to see the bunny take shape as I was making it.

Only one flaw I am not happy with, there is some puckering around the nose. Boo!

But, some one I know doesn't seem to mind.

Some variations I thought of for this project would be to add some lavender or hops to the stuffing for a "Sleepy Bunny" and/or adding some embroidery to the fuzzy belly.

Believe it or not, we got MORE snow!

Then, today, the sun came out and it began to melt.

I can't wait to photograph the quilt that I finished today. 

Until then... thanks for reading!
I always appreciate comments on the blog or through e-mail, they make my day!


  1. Emily that is one pretty darn lovable bunny, well done on that project, I'll have to post my "Little Foot" creatures sometime that I made when our sons were little. You got more snow, how unusual! enjoy while its here.

  2. Thank you Carli, it was really fun to make! I'd love to see photos of creatures that you made. Hand made toys are so special.

    We are enjoying the snow, and I'm going to enjoy watching it melt, too! ;)



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